Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
薬味 jakumi condiment (e.g. grated or chopped topping such as daikon, wasabi, ginger, green onion, red pepper), spicesuru
文字 modži písmo, písmenoleda1
回収する kaišuusuru collection/recovery/withdrawal/retrieval/(P)leda1, suru, verb
農村 nouson agricultural community/farm village/rural/(P)leda1
重油 džuuju heavy oil, fuel oilmix
小説家 šousecuka novelist, fiction writermix
朝顔 asagao svlačecleda1
抱く daku to embrace, to hold in the armsgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
走り回る haširimawaru obíhatgodan, leda1, verb, vintrans
重要 džuujou important, momentous, essential, principal, majorjlpt3