Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
te handhito, jlpt5
手のひら tenohira palmhito
~語 ~go languagejlpt5
一ヶ月 ikkagetsu one monthtoki
足りない tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
本日 honjitsu todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
火力 karyoku heating power, steam powermix
七つ nanatsu sevenjlpt5
足りる tariru (1)to be sufficient/to be enough/ (2)to be worth doing/to be worthy/ (3)to be sufficient/to answer/to do/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
国語 kokugo Japanesegakkou, leda1