Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji かこむ to surround, to encircle
kanji まるで (uk) quite, entirely, completely, at all, as if, as though, so to speak, just like
kanji がいこくじん foreigner
kanji ライオンの子 lion cub
kanji ほん book, main
kanji かいすい sea water
kanji にょにん woman (arch.)
kanji よっつ four
kanji うむ to give birth, to deliver, to produce
kanji たいこ starověk, pravěk
kanji じんせい human life
kanji ちんちん の おおきさ は どの くらい? How big is your 'package'?
kanji なかだし intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation
kanji やま mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical point
kanji くうき air
kanji くろじ balance (figure) in the black
kanji ゆみや bow and arrow; bow and arrow
kanji とうだい Tokyo University
kanji たなか Tanaka
kanji いっかげつ one month
kanji おこさん child (polite)
kanji だいぶ very, many, a lot
kanji あまど sliding storm shutter/(P)
kanji しょうテスト quiz, small test
kanji かんがえかた způsob myšlení