Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ~だい counter for machines, stand, rest, rack
kanji すむ to live (of humans)/to reside/to inhabit/to dwell/to abide/(P)
kanji がいしゅつ; そとで outing, trip, going out; (n,vs) outing, trip, going out
kanji すすめる to advance, to promote, to hasten
kanji いっさい all/everything/without exception/the whole/entirely/absolutely/(P)
kanji なかがわるい on bad terms, at loggerheads
kanji すうがくモデル mathematical model
kanji たびびと nomad, person who goes from place to place, gambling, etc., pilgrim; traveller, traveler, wayfarer, tourist; traveller, traveler, wayfarer, tourist
kanji とくべつ special
kanji へいきょくせん closed curve
kanji はる spring
kanji ちゅうじえん zánět středního ucha
kanji しふく civilian clothes, plain clothes
kanji あんちょく(な) levný, snadný
kanji ぜんしん pokrok
kanji ごがく language study
kanji ふうこう、かざむき wind direction
kanji あなた と は くち も ききたくない の。 I don't want to hear another word out of you.
kanji 4じ の あと の でんしゃ は 7じ です。 Vlak po 4. hodině jede v 7 hodin.
kanji けんぶつ sightseeing
kanji やすい cheap, peaceful, quiet, thoughtless
kanji なんでも きいて いい よ。 Zeptej se mě, na co chceš.
kanji ぶぶん portion, part
kanji しろい white
kanji ばんする hlídat, mít hlídku