Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
企み takurami plan, design, artifice, trick, intriguemix
一門 ičimon rod, rodinaleda1
čikara strength, powerjlpt4, leda1
台数学 daisuugaku algebraleda1, math
好意 koui good will/favor/favour/courtesy/(P)leda1
指す sasu (1)to point, (2)to nominate, to select someone, to specify some person, (3)to identify, to indicate, to point out godan, verb, vtrans
今月 kongecu this monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
手のひら tenohira palmhito
同士 douši fellow, mutual, companion, comrade, bondingmix
手紙 tegami letterjlpt5