Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
沈黙は金雄弁は銀 činmokuhakin'juubenhagin speech is silver, silence is goldenkaiwa
国内 kokunai domestic, internalmix
明日は晴れるはずです。 ašita ha hareru hazu desu. Zítra by mělo být jasno.tenki
正数 seisuu positive numbermath
栄養補助食品 eijouhodžošokuhin nutritional supplement, dietary supplementmix
毛虫 kemuši caterpillar(with hair)doubutsu
研究者 kenkjuuša researchershigoto
助言 džogen advice, suggestion; advice, suggestionsuru
私は計算が苦手です。 wataši ha keisan ga nigate desu. Ve výpočtech jsem slabý.mix
南東 nantou; minamihigaši southeast; southeastmix
重さ omosa weight/(P)mix
焼きそば jakisoba fried sobaryouri
結婚式 kekkonšiki wedding ceremonyai
登る noboru to climbgodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
丈夫 džoubu good health, robustness, strong, solid, durable, hero, gentleman, warrior, manly personadj, jlpt5
錯覚 sakkaku (1)optical illusion, hallucination, (2)misapprehension, delusion suru
電球 denkjuu light bulbdenki
無駄だ! muda da! To je plýtvání! To nemá smysl!mix
柔軟剤 džuunanzai fabric softener, fabric conditionermix
安値 jasune nízká cenaleda1
甲板 kanpan; kouhan deck (of a ship); deck (of a ship)mix
既に sudeni (uk) already, too late; (uk) already, too latemix
茶道 sadou čajový obřadleda1
援助 endžo assistance, aid, supportsuru
新年会 šinnenkai New Year's partymix
お昼 ohiru noontoki
沖合 okiai coast, offing, offshoremix
相当 soutou (1)befitting, becoming, worthy of, proportionate, in keeping with, suitable, (2)considerable, substantial, (vs) (3)to be worthy of, to be proportionate to, (4)to correspond to (in meaning, functio suru
健康 kenkou health/sound/wholesome/(P)mix
大名 daimjou daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio/(P)mix