Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
平方 へいほう squaremath
二次関数 にじかんすう quadratic functionmath
Loupežník sesedl z koně.mix
分子 ぶんし the numeratormath
To je počítač, který jsem si chtěl koupit.mix
情け なさけ (1)pity, sympathy, compassion, (2)affection mix
非公式 ひこうしき informalmix
働き はたらき (1)work, labor, labour, (2)achievement, performance, ability, talent, (3)salary, income, earnings, (4)action, activity, workings, function, operation, movement, motion, (5)(ling) conjugation, inf jlpt3
笑い鴎 わらいかもめ laughing gulldoubutsu
映える はえる to shine, to look attractive, to look prettyichidan, verb, vintrans
放水 ほうすい hose down, drainagesuru
共働き ともばたらき (husband and wife) both working, dual incomemix
羽毛 うもう feathers/plumage/down/(P)leda1
大体 だいたい general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, aboutjlpt3
論客 ろんきゃく controversialistmix
稼動 かどう operation (of machine)/actual workmix
新聞配達 しんぶんはいたつ (newspaper) carrier, newspaper (delivery) boy (girl), newmix
失格 しっかく disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)suru
Musím vypočítat, kolik bude výlet stát.ryokou
基本的 きほんてき fundamental, standard, basicjlpt3
馬鹿丁寧 ばかていねい overly polite, excessively polite, polite to a faultmix
漢字変換 かんじへんかん kanji conversionmix
外出 がいしゅつ; そとで outing, trip, going out; (n,vs) outing, trip, going outsuru
両親 りょうしん parents, both parentsjlpt5, kazoku
ぬの (1)cloth; (n) (2)cloth; (3)cloth; (4)cloth, (5)bujian (spade-shaped bronze coin of ancient China) fuku
情交 じょうこう intimacy, sexual intercourseai, suru
偏微分 へんびぶん partial differentiationmath
落花生 らっかせい peanut, groundnutmix
御~ ご~ (prefix, polite)jlpt4
破産 はさん bankruptcy, insolvencysuru