Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji こいぶみ milostný dopis
kanji きせいちゅう parasite
kanji つらぬく (1)to go through, to pierce, to penetrate, (2)to persist, to stick to
kanji けんめい eagerness, earnestness, risking one's life
kanji ほうぶつせん parabola
kanji そなえる (1)to furnish, to provide for, to equip, to install, (2)to have ready, to prepare for, (3)to possess, to have, to be endowed with, to be armed with
kanji にゅうがく enter a school
kanji おもに; じゅうか load, heavy burden, encumbrance, heavy freight, heavy responsibility; load, heavy burden, encumbrance, heavy freight, heavy responsibility
kanji こおる to freeze, to be frozen over, to congeal
kanji みにくい ugly
kanji ~じ hour (of day)
kanji りょうきん fee, charge, fare
kanji かぶとむし beetle
kanji じだい age, period, generation
kanji はんのう reaction, response; reaction, response
kanji おこった angry
kanji げんてい limit, restriction
kanji かう to buy
kanji てっする to sink in, to penetrate, to devote oneself, to believe in, to go through, to do intently and exclusively
kanji きゅうこう express train
kanji さいそく request, demand, claim, urge (action), press for
kanji かんれん relation, connection, relevance
kanji きふ contribution, donation
kanji わたし は ふるさと で の しゅうしょく を きぼう している。 Doufám, že najdu zaměstnání ve svém rodišti.
kanji かた excess, superabundance