Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
骨折 こっせつ bone fracturebyouki
折紙 おりがみ origamimix
時給 じきゅう hourly pay, hourly wageshigoto
両替機 りょうがえき money-changing machinemix
古典 こてん old book, classics, classicmix
話し声 はなしごえ hlas (hovořící)leda1
切手 きって stampjlpt5, leda1
自省 じせい self-examination, reflectionsuru
生け花 いけばな flower arrangementmix
単に たんに simply, merely, only, solelymix
合わす あわす spojovat se, slučovat segodan, leda1, verb, vtrans
ひも (1)string, cord, (2)man who is financially dependent on a woman (such as a gigolo or, in the case of a prostitute, a pimp), pimp mix
官公庁 かんこうちょう government administration officemix
段落 だんらく (1)paragraph, (2)end, stopping place, conclusion mix
到る いたる (1)to arrive at (e.g. a decision), to reach (a stage), to attain, (2)to lead to (a place), to get to, (3)(arch) to come, to arrive, to result in godan, verb, vintrans