Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji yahari (uk) also, as I thought, still, in spite of, absolutely, of course
kanji kintama (col) testicles
kanji mieru to be seen, to appear
kanji sukuname méně, trochu pod (úrovní)
kanji shinnenkai New Year's party
kanji tamanegi onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)
kanji shuchou claim, request, insistence, assertion, advocacy, emphasis, contention, opinion, tenet
kanji garyuu self-taught, one's own way
kanji kireru (1)to cut well/to be sharp/ (2)to break (off)/to snap/to wear out/ (3)to be injured/ (4)to burst/to collapse/ (5)to be disconnected/to be out of/to expire/to sever (connections) with/ (6)to be shrewd
kanji gozoku family of languages
kanji omoi thought, mind, heart, feelings, emotion, sentiment, love, affection, desire, wish, hope, expectation, imagination, experience
kanji suidou water works, water supply
kanji kuroi black
kanji maruta kláda, kmen
kanji sumou (1)sumo wrestling, (2)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi; (3)sumo wrestling, (4)(abbr) sumo wrestler, rikishi
kanji shinmai nová rýže, nováček
kanji watakushi I (formal), myself, private affairs
kanji suwaru to sit
kanji shucchousuru to go on a business trip
kanji iroiro (1)various, (2)(arch) various colors (colours)
kanji ji hodina
kanji kyodai huge, gigantic, enormous
kanji ichinichijuu throughout the day
kanji tetsu iron
kanji tamego casual language