Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
和歌 わか waka (classic Japanese poem, esp. a tanka, often 31 mora)mix
六日 むいか six days, sixth (day of month)jlpt5, toki
南十字座 みなみじゅうじざ Southern Crossmix
和む なごむ to be softened, to calm downgodan, verb
平気 へいき klid, tichojlpt3, leda1
南国 なんごく jižní zeměleda1, ryokou
Tato kniha je napsaná japonsky.mix
素晴らしい すばらしい amazingadj
頑張る がんばる (1)to persevere, to persist, to keep at it, to hang on, to hold out, to do one's best, (2)to insist that, to stick to (one's opinion), (3)to remain in a place, to stick to one's post, to r mix
真心 まごころ upřímnostemo, leda1