Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
後金 atokin doplatek, zůstatekleda1
上品(な) jouhin(na) elegant/refined/polished/(P)adj, leda1
朝立ち asadachi ranní erekcehito
野心 yashin ambition, aspiration, designs, treacherymix
楽しみ tanoshimi pleasure, joyjlpt3, jlpt4
運休 unkyuu service suspended (e.g. trains)suru
開ける akeru to openichidan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
~か月 ~kagetsu month(s) (time interval)jlpt5, toki
青森 aomori Aomori (city and prefecture)namae
足りる tariru (1)to be sufficient/to be enough/ (2)to be worth doing/to be worthy/ (3)to be sufficient/to answer/to do/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
味方 mikata spojenec, příznivecleda1
死去 shikyo deathleda1, suru
運ぶ hakobu to bringgodan, jlpt4, verb
野鳥 yachou wild birddoubutsu, leda1
国王 kokuou král, monarchaleda1