Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
一気 ikki (abbr) drink! (said repeatedly as a party cheer)mix
ご飯 gohan meal, cooked riceryouri
外食 gaišoku eating outsuru
大名 daimjou daimyo (Japanese feudal lord)/daimio/(P)mix
使う cukau (1)to use (a thing, method, etc.)/to make use of/to put to use/ (2)to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.)/to employ/to handle/to manage/to manipulate/ (3)to use (time, money, etc.)/to spend/to consu godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans
動力 dourjoku power, motive power, dynamic forcemix
強まる cujomaru to get strong, to gain strengthgodan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
ライオンの子 raionno子 lion cubdoubutsu
会社員 kaišain office workershigoto
読み方を教えてもらえませんか。 jomikata wo ošiete moraemasenka. Could you tell me how to read it?mix