Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
さん (num) threejlpt5, mix
東西南北 とうざいなんぼく sever, jih, východ a západ, čtyři světové stranyleda1
七五三 しちごさん Šičigosan (svátek tří-, pěti- a sedmiletých dětí)leda1, namae
(num) fourjlpt5, mix
みどり greeniro, jlpt4
紅白 こうはく red and white, colours for festive or auspicious occasions (colors)iro
白黒 しろくろ (1)black and white, monochrome, (exp,vs) (2)good and evil, right and wrong, guilt and innocence iro
ひと man, person, human being, mankindhito, jlpt5
グリーン車 グリーンしゃ green car (1st class)ryokou
みなみ southjlpt5