Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
大工 だいく carpenterleda1, shigoto
金づち かなづち kladivoleda1
counter for birds and rabbitscounter, jlpt3
教え おしえ teaching, instruction, teachings, precept, lesson, doctrinejlpt3
お金 おかね moneyjlpt5, leda1
丁重 ていちょう polite, courteous, hospitablemix
もん gatejlpt5, leda1
行使 こうし use/exerciseleda1, suru
生産高 せいさんだか výše produkce, výkon, výnosleda1
仕様 しよう (1)way/method/means/resource/remedy/ (2)(technical) specification/(P) leda1