Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
願う negau (1)to desire, to wish, to hope, (2)to beg, to request, to implore, to pray, (aux-v) (3)to have something done for oneself godan, verb, vtrans
私服 shifuku civilian clothes, plain clothesfuku
洋弓 youkyuu západní lukostřelbaleda1, sport
真の shinno true, real, genuine, proper, uttermix
数多く kazuooku ve velkém množstvíleda1
nana 7jlpt5
水曜日 suiyoubi Wednesdayjlpt5, toki
理科 rika sciencegakkou, jlpt3
形式 keishiki (1)form (as opposed to substance), formality, (2)method, system, style, (3)format, mode, appearance, form (something takes), (4)math expression math
姉妹 shimai sestry (starší a mladší)kazoku, leda1