various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
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kanji kana meaning randomReload
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ナプキン (1)(table) napkin, serviette, (2)sanitary napkin mix
ころ (1)(uk) (approximate) time, around, about, toward, (2)suitable time (or condition), (3)time of year, season mix
ざる (1)(uk) (col) sieve, strainer made from bamboo and used in the preparation and presentation of Japanese cuisine, zaru, bamboo draining basket, (2)person who can drink copiously without getting drunk mix
目茶苦茶 めちゃくちゃ (1)(uk) absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent, (2)extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton, (3)disorder, confusion, mess, wreck mix
滅茶苦茶 めちゃくちゃ (1)(uk) absurd, unreasonable, nonsensical, preposterous, incoherent, (2)extreme, senseless, reckless, wanton, (3)disorder, confusion, mess, wreck mix
出汁 だし (1)(uk) dashi (Japanese soup stock made from fish and kelp) mix
終に ついに (1)(uk) finally, at last, (2)(with neg) in the end jlpt3, mix
お呪い おまじない (1)(uk) good luck charm, (exp) (2)uttered when using magic, abracadabra, presto mix
いい加減 いいかげん (1)(uk) irresponsible, perfunctory, careless, (2)lukewarm, half-baked, halfhearted, vague, (3)reasonable, moderate (usu. in suggestions or orders), (adv) (4)considerably, quite, rather, pretty mix
摘み つまみ (1)(uk) knob, handle, button, (2)(comp) (file) handle, (3)snack (to have with a drink), side dish, (suf) (4)a pinch (e.g. of salt), (n,n-suf) (5)picking, harvesting mix
ただ (1)(uk) ordinary, common, usual, (2)free of charge, (3)unaffected, as is, safe, (adv) (4)only, merely, just, simply, (5)but, however, nevertheless mix
お洒落 おしゃれ (1)(uk) smartly dressed, stylish, fashion-conscious, (n) (2)someone smartly dressed, (vs) (3)to dress up, to be fashionable mix
何れ いずれ (1)(uk) where, which, who, (2)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, sooner or later, eventually, at some future date or time; (adv,pn,adj-no) (3)(uk) where, which, who, (4)anyway, anyhow, at any rate, soon mix
両手 りょうて (1)(with) both hands, (2)approvingly mix
百万 ひゃくまん (1)1,000,000, one million, million, (2)many mix
しゃく; せき (1)18 ml (one-tenth of a go), (2)0.033 meters square (one-hundredth of a tsubo), (3)dip, ladle; (4)18 ml (one-tenth of a go), (5)0.033 meters square (one-hundredth of a tsubo), (6)dip, ladle mix
引きこもり ひきこもり (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people mix
講座 こうざ (1)academic teaching unit, lectureship, professorial chair, (2)course (e.g. of lectures) mix
酸性 さんせい (1)acidity, (adj-no) (2)acidic mix
加減 かげん (1)addition and subtraction, (2)allowance for, (3)degree, extent, measure, (4)condition, state of health, (5)seasoning, flavor, flavour, moderation, adjustment, (6)influence (of the weather), (7 mix
弱冠 じゃっかん (1)aged 20, (2)youthfulness mix
目指し めざし (1)aim, goal, purpose, (2)look, eyes, expression of eyes mix
万能 ばんのう (1)all-purpose, utility, (2)almighty, omnipotent; (3)all-purpose, utility, (4)almighty, omnipotent mix
やく (1)approximately/about/(n) (2)promise/ (3)shortening/reduction/simplification/ (4)(ling) contraction (in phonetics)/(P) mix
ろん (1)argument, discussion, dispute, controversy, discourse, debate, (2)theory, doctrine, (3)essay, treatise, comment mix
抱え かかえ (1)armful, (2)employee mix
果たして はたして (1)as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough, as a result, (2)really? (in questions), ever? mix
刺客 しかく (1)assassin, (vs) (2)to assassinate; (3)assassin, (vs) (4)to assassinate mix
雑穀 ざっこく (1)assorted grains, cereals, (2)millet mix
自動 じどう (1)automatic, self-motion, (2)(ling) (abbr) intransitive verb jlpt3, mix
背後 はいご (1)back, rear, (2)background, behind the scenes mix
危うく あやうく (1)barely, narrowly, (2)almost, nearly mix
二股 ふたまた (1)bifurcation, (2)parting of the ways, (3)(col) two-timing mix
魔術 まじゅつ (1)black magic, sorcery, (2)magic tricks, juggling mix
打撃 だげき (1)blow, shock, strike, damage, (2)batting (baseball) mix
いた (1)board, plank, (2)sheet (of metal), plate (of glass), pane, slab, (3)(abbr) cutting board, chopping board, (4)(abbr) stage (i.e. at a theatre) mix
きずな (1)bonds, fetters, encumbrance, (2)tether; (3)bonds, fetters, encumbrance, (4)tether mix
海底 かいてい (1)bottom of the ocean, (adj-f) (2)undersea, submarine mix
はち (1)bowl, pot, basin, (2)flowerpot, (3)crown, brainpan mix
擬宝珠 ぎぼし (1)bridge railing-post knob, (2)(uk) stone-leek flowe mix
仏滅 ぶつめつ (1)Buddha's death, (2)very unlucky day (according to old almanacs) mix
坊主 ぼうず (1)Buddhist priest, bonze, (2)close cropped hair, crew cut, person with a shorn head, (3)boy (used both endearingly and disparagingly) mix
貨物 かもつ (1)cargo, freight, (2)money or assets; (3)cargo, freight, (4)money or assets mix
しょう (1)chapter, section, (2)medal mix
特色 とくしょく (1)characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour, (2)spot color (in printing) mix
文明 ぶんめい (1)civilization, civilisation, culture, (2)Bummei era (1469.4.28-1487.7.20) mix
末期 まっき (1)closing years (period, days), last stage, end stage, end-of-life (care, decision making, etc.), (adj-f) (2)terminal (e.g. cancer, disease, etc.), final mix
生地 せいち (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
生地 きじ (1)cloth, material, texture, (2)one's true character, (3)unglazed pottery, (4)uncooked dough, batter; birthplace mix
手がかり てがかり (1)clue, key, trail, scent, track, contact, (2)handhold, on hand mix
寒気 かんき (1)cold, coldness, cold air; (2)chill, the shivers, shivering fit, (3)cold, coldness, cold air mix
成立 せいりつ (1)coming into existence, arrangements, establishment, conclusion, completion, (vs) (2)to come into existence, to be true, to hold (i.e. hold true) mix
顔色 かおいろ; がんしょく (1)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (2)countenance, expression, one's face; (3)complexion, one's colour, one's color, (4)countenance, expression, one's face mix
要素 ようそ (1)component, factor, item (e.g. in list), (2)(comp) element (e.g. in array), member (e.g. data structure) mix
悟り さとり (1)comprehension, understanding, (2)(Buddh) enlightenment, satori mix
クロス (1)cross, (2)gross, (3)cloth mix
王冠 おうかん (1)crown, diadem, (2)bottle cap mix
れい (1)custom, practice, habit, usual, (2)instance, example, case, illustration, usage, (3)precedent; (4)custom, practice, habit, usual, (5)said, aforementioned, (6)instance, example, case, illustra mix
大根 だいこん (1)daikon radish (Raphanus sativus), (2)ham actor mix
不備 ふび (1)defect, deficiency, imperfection, inadequacy, (n) (2)Yours in haste mix
欠陥 けっかん (1)defect, fault, deficiency, deformity, (2)shortage, gap mix
赤字 あかじ (1)deficit, (being in or going into) the red, (2)red text, red letters, (3)corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red mix
次第 しだい (1)dependent upon, (2)as soon as, immediately (upon), (n) (3)circumstances, (4)order, precedence, program, programme, agenda mix
軽油 けいゆ (1)diesel oil, gas oil, (2)light oil mix
こおり (1)district, county, (2)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period); (3)district (of 2-20 50-home neighbourhoods or townships, in the ritsuryo period) mix
とびら (1)door, gate, opening, (2)title page mix
二重 にじゅう; ふたえ (1)double, two-fold, two layers, duplex, (pref) (2)diplo-, dipl; (3)double, two-fold, two layers, duplex, (pref) (4)diplo-, dipl mix
りょう (1)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (2)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology); (3)dragon (esp. a Chinese dragon), (4)naga (semidivine human-cobra chimera in Indian mythology), (3 mix
応接室 おうせつしつ (1)drawing room, parlour, parlor, (2)reception office mix
運転士 うんてんし (1)driver, train driver, train engineer, motorman, taxi driver, (2)mate, (ship's) officer mix
焼き物 やきもの (1)earthenware, pottery, porcelain, china, (2)flame-broiled food (esp. fish), (3)tempered blade mix
元老 げんろう (1)elder statesman, doyen, old-timer, authority, (2)Genro (member of a pre-WWII body that informally advised the emperor) mix
電波 でんぱ (1)electro-magnetic wave, radio wave, (n,adj-na) (2)(sl) nonsense mix
情緒 じょうちょ (1)emotion, feeling, (2)spirit; (3)emotion, feeling, (4)spirit mix
過失 かしつ (1)error, blunder, accident, (2)fault, defect mix
月並 つきなみ (1)every month, (2)trite, common mix
有無 うむ (1)existence or nonexistence, presence or absence, (2)consent or refusal, yes or no, (3)(comp) flag indicator, presence or absence marker; (n) (4)existence or nonexistence, presence or absence, (2 mix
生存 せいぞん (1)existence, being, survival, (vs) (2)to exist, to live, to survive mix
玄人 くろうと (1)expert (professional) in a given trade or profession, (2)woman in the nightlife business, demimondaine mix
宅配便 たくはいびん (1)express home delivery service, (2)express home delivery parcel (box, etc.) mix
まなこ (1)eye, eyeball, (2)eyesight, sight, vision, (3)look, stare, glance, (4)experience, (5)viewpoint, (6)stitch, texture, weave, (suf) (7)ordinal number suffix, (8)somewhat, -ish; (9)eye, eyeball mix
素顔 すがお (1)face with no make-up, unpainted face, (2)honesty, frankness mix
名所 などころ; めいしょ (1)famous place, (2)name of a part (of an instrument, etc.), (3)name and address; (4)famous place mix
牧場 ぼくじょう (1)farm (livestock), ranch (US), station (Aus, NZ), (2)pasture land, meadow, grazing land mix
えん (1)fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together), (2)relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection, (3)family ties, affinity; (4)fate, destiny (esp. as mix
ふち (1)fate, destiny (esp. as a mysterious force that binds two people together), (2)relationship (e.g. between two people), bond, link, connection, (3)family ties, affinity; (4)fate, destiny (esp. as mix
歯切れ はぎれ (1)feel when biting, (2)manner of enunciation mix
心地 ここち (1)feeling, sensation, mood, (suf) (2)sensation of doing (usu. after -masu stem of verb); padding, lining, foundation mix
(1)feelings, thoughts, (2)meaning mix
虚構 きょこう (1)fiction, fabrication, concoction, (adj-no) (2)fictitious, fictional, imaginary mix
たきぎ (1)firewood, kindling, fuel, (2)piece(s) of firewood; (3)firewood, kindling, fuel, (4)piece(s) of firewood mix
てい (1)firm adherence to one's principles, (2)chastity (of a woman) mix
初体験 しょたいけん (1)first experience (of any activity), (2)first sexual experience; (3)first experience (of any activity), (4)first sexual experience mix
一流の いちりゅう の (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
一流 いちりゅう (1)first-class, top grade, foremost, top-notch, leading, (2)characteristic, peculiar, unique, (n) (3)school (e.g. of a performance art), (4)one flag, one banner, one streamer mix
蛍光灯 けいこうとう (1)fluorescent lamp, fluorescent light, (2)person who is slow to react, someone slow on the uptake mix
水泡 すいほう (1)foam, bubble, (2)nothing; (3)foam, bubble, (4)nothing mix
足跡 あしあと; そくせき (1)footprints, (2)(comp) record of page visitors (e.g. in social networking sites); (3)footprints, (4)(comp) record of page visitors (e.g. in social networking sites) mix
勢い いきおい (1)force, vigor, vigour, energy, spirit, life, (2)influence, authority, power, might, (3)impetus, momentum, course (of events), (n-adv) (4)naturally, necessarily mix
外貨 がいか (1)foreign currency, foreign money, foreign exchange, (2)foreign goods, imported goods mix
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