various words (mix)

Number of vocabulary: 3764
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kanji kana meaning randomReload
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生鮭 なまじゃけ (1)fresh salmon, unsalted salmon, (2)raw salmon mix
前後 ぜんご (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
毛皮 けがわ (1)fur, skin, pelt, (2)kanji mix
遺伝子 いでんし (1)gene, (adj-f,adj-no) (2)genetic mix
巨人 きょじん (1)giant, great man, (2)(abbr) Tokyo Giants (baseball team) mix
うま味 うまみ (1)good flavor (flavour), good taste, deliciousness, (2)umami (fifth category of taste, corresponding to the flavour of glutamates), (3)skill, (4)profit mix
果報 かほう (1)good fortune, luck, happiness, (2)(Buddh) vipaka (retribution) mix
さち (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield mix
次第に しだいに (1)gradually (progress into a state), (2)in sequence, in order, in turn mix
大福 だいふく (1)great fortune, good luck, (2)(abbr) rice cake stuffed with bean jam mix
道しるべ みちしるべ (1)guidepost, signpost, guide, (2)(col) tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica) mix
半人前 はんにんまえ (1)half share, (2)half a man mix
がら (1)handle, grip, (2)stalk (of a mushroom, leaf, etc.); (3)(arch) trunk, stem, stalk, (4)shaft (of an arrow), (5)handle; pattern, design; hilt (of a sword), haft (of a dagger), handgrip mix
聞き手 ききて (1)hearer, listener, audience, (2)interviewer, questioner mix
(1)hearth, fireplace, (2)furnace, kiln mix
大麻 たいま (1)hemp, cannabis, (2)Shinto paper offerings mix
子分 こぶん (1)henchman, follower, (2)(arch) adopted child mix
高熱 こうねつ (1)high fever, (2)pyro- mix
玉露 ぎょくろ (1)high-quality green tea, (2)(orig. meaning) jewel-like dewdrop mix
あな (1)hole, (2)deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.), (3)vacancy, opening, (4)flaw, (5)profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others, (6)upset victory (with a lar mix
正直 しょうじき (1)honesty, integrity, frankness, (adv) (2)honestly, frankly mix
横に よこに (1)horizontally, flat, (2)across, crossways, crosswise, sideways, abreast mix
亭主 ていしゅ (1)household head, master, host (e.g. of a tea gathering), innkeeper, owner (e.g. of an hotel), (2)husband mix
家事 かじ (1)housework, domestic chores, (2)family affairs, household matters mix
不死 ふし (1)immortality, eternal life, (2)undeath, undead mix
内裏 だいり (1)imperial palace, (2)(abbr) festival dolls representing the emperor and the empress mix
併せて あわせて (1)in all, in total, collectively, (exp,conj) (2)in addition, besides, at the same time mix
墨汁 ぼくじゅう (1)India ink, China ink, (2)ink (of a cuttlefish, etc.) mix
有力 ゆうりょく (1)influential, prominent, (2)strong, likely, plausible, potent mix
内股 うちまた (1)inner thigh, (n,vs) (2)(walking) pigeon-toed, one's toes turned inward, (3)uchimata (judo), throwing an opponent by putting one's leg between their legs; (4)inner thigh mix
革新的 かくしんてき (1)innovative, (2)liberal, reformist mix
故意 こい (1)intention, purpose, bad faith, (2)mens rea (guilty mind) mix
焼餅 やきもち (1)jealousy, (2)roasted rice cake mix
しゅ (1)kind, variety, (2)(biological) species, (3)(abbr) (logical) species mix
狂言 きょうげん (1)kyogen (farce played during a noh cycle), play, drama, (2)make-believe, ruse, trick mix
非常識 ひじょうしき (1)lack of common sense, thoughtlessness, senselessness, irrationality, absurdity, (adj-na) (2)thoughtless, senseless, unreasonable, absurd, preposterous, aberrant mix
うるし (1)lacquer, varnish, japan, (2)(uk) lacquer tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum); seven (used in legal documents); seven (used in legal documents) mix
レーン (1)lane, (2)rain, (3)(abbr) reinforcement mix
最先端 さいせんたん (1)leading edge, forefront, (2)ultra-fine mix
あら (1)leftovers (after filleting a fish), (2)rice chaff, (3)flaw (esp. of a person), (pref) (4)rough, roughly, (5)crude, raw, natural, wild; (uk) almost, roughly, approximately mix
水準 すいじゅん (1)level, standard, (2)water level mix
淡白 たんぱく (1)light (color, colour, taste), simple, plain, (2)frank, candid, ingenuous, indifferent mix
灯台 とうだい (1)lighthouse, (2)old-fashioned interior light fixture comprising a wooden pole with an oil-filled dish and a wick atop it mix
限り かぎり (1)limit, limits, bounds, (2)degree, extent, scope, (3)as far as possible, as much as possible, to the best of one's ability, (4)unless (after neg. verb), (5)the end, the last mix
獅子 しし (1)lion, (2)left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine mix
きも (1)liver, innards, (2)courage, spirit, pluck, guts mix
じょう (1)lock, padlock, (n,n-suf,ctr) (2)tablet, lozenge, pill mix
ロッカー (1)locker/ (2)rocker/(P) mix
論理 ろんり (1)logic, (adj-no) (2)logical mix
長蛇 ちょうだ (1)long snake, (2)long line (of people, etc.) mix
贅沢 ぜいたく (1)luxury, extravagance, (vs) (2)to live in luxury mix
しるし (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence jlpt3, mix
しるし (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
しるし (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
しるし (1)mark, (2)symbol, (3)evidence; mix
目当て めあて (1)mark, guide, landmark, (2)purpose, aim, goal, intention, end, (3)sight (on a firearm) mix
升目 ますめ (1)measure, (2)square (e.g. of graph paper or Japanese manuscript paper), (3)box (e.g. on a form) mix
為替 かわせ (1)money order, draft, (2)exchange (e.g. foreign) mix
一口 ひとくち (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
すじ (1)muscle, (2)source (of business information), (3)reason, logic; (4)muscle, (5)string, sinew, line, stripe, (6)plot, plan, (7)source (of business information), (8)reason, logic mix
風物 ふうぶつ (1)natural features, scenery, (2)things particular to a certain region or season, characteristic scenery and customs, scenes and manners mix
天然 てんねん (1)nature, spontaneity, (2)(abbr) natural airhead mix
はり (1)needle, pin, (2)hook, (3)stinger, thorn, (4)hand (e.g. clock, etc.), pointer, (5)staple (for a stapler), (6)needlework, sewing, (7)malice, (ctr,n-suf) (8)counter for stitches mix
付近 ふきん (1)neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, environs, (2)(obsc) approaching mix
中性 ちゅうせい (1)neutrality (incl. chemical, electrical, etc.), indifference, (2)sexlessness, androgyny, androgyne, neuter, (3)(ling) neuter gender mix
新規 しんき (1)new, fresh, (2)new customer, (3)new rules or regulations mix
新た あらた (1)new, fresh, novel, (adv) (2)newly, freshly, re- mix
消息 しょうそく; しょうそこ (1)news (from somebody), letter, contact, (2)(somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements; (n) (3)news (from somebody), letter, contact, (4)(somebody's) whereabouts, (somebody's) movements mix
便り たより (1)news, tidings, information, correspondence, letter; (2)news from ... mix
情報 じょうほう (1)news/gossip/(military) intelligence/ (2)information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)/(P) jlpt3, mix
全然 ぜんぜん (1)not at all (with neg. verb), (2)wholly, entirely, completely mix
手帳 てちょう (1)notebook, memo pad, (2)(abbr) certificate, (3)(abbr) identification card mix
数値 すうち (1)numerical value, numerics, (2)reading (on a meter, etc.) mix
三線 さんしん (1)Okinawan traditional three-stringed instrument; precursor to the shamisen; (2)shamisen mix
一部 いちぶ (1)one part, one portion, one section, some, (2)one copy (e.g. of a document) mix
一回り ひとまわり (1)one turn, one round, (2)(a) size, (vs) (3)to go around, to make a circuit, to take a turn mix
一両 いちりょう (1)one vehicle, (2)one ryou (an old coin) mix
りん (1)one-hundredth, 0.3 mm (one-hundredth of a sun), 0.1 percent (one-hundredth of a wari), 0.0375 grams (one-hundredth of a monme), (2)old monetary unit (0.001 yen) mix
肉筆 にくひつ (1)one's own handwriting, autograph, (2)as written with a brush mix
軌道 きどう (1)orbit, trajectory, (2)railroad track mix
段落 だんらく (1)paragraph, (2)end, stopping place, conclusion mix
辞世 じせい (1)passing away, death, (2)death poem (poem written during one's final moments) mix
特許 とっきょ (1)patent, special permission, licence (license), concession, franchise, charter, (adj-f) (2)proprietary mix
模様 もよう (1)pattern, figure, design, (2)state, condition, (3)conjecture of the current situation, the way it seems, (4)model, pattern, example, (5)(after a noun) indicates that that noun seems likely (e.g mix
こま (1)piece (in shogi, chess, etc.), (2)(arch) horse, foal, (3)bridge (of a violin, etc.) mix
さいの目 さいのめ (1)pip (spot on a die), (2)small cube (esp. of food), die, dice mix
哀れ あわれ (1)pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos, (adj-na) (2)pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable, (int) (3)alack, alas mix
情け なさけ (1)pity, sympathy, compassion, (2)affection mix
充分 じゅうぶん (1)plenty, enough, sufficient, satisfactory, adequate, (adv) (2)perfectly, thoroughly, fully, in full mix
細々 ほそぼそ (1)poor (living), (2)barely continuing, just scraping along, (adj-f) (3)very narrow mix
郵便配達 ゆうびんはいたつ (1)postal delivery, mail delivery, (2)(abbr) postman, mailman mix
パウチ (1)pouch mix
実際 じっさい (1)practicality, practical, (2)reality, actuality, actual conditions, (3)(Buddh) bhutakoti (limit of reality) mix
あたい (1)price, cost, (2)value, worth, merit, (3)(comp) variable (computer programming, programing), (4)(math) value, count, number, (vs) (5)to have value, to have merit mix
ひめ (1)princess, young lady of noble birth, (n-suf,n) (2)girl, (pref) (3)small & lovely mix
風呂屋 ふろや (1)public bathhouse, (2)(sens) bathhouse proprietor mix
掲載 けいさい (1)publication (e.g. article in paper), appearance, insertion, (vs) (2)to insert (e.g. an article), to run (e.g. in a newspaper) mix
追求 ついきゅう (1)pursuing (goal), pursuit, seeking, search, (vs) (2)to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek mix
常連 じょうれん (1)regular customer, regular patron, frequenter, (2)constant companion mix
移動 いどう (1)removal/migration/movement/ (2)mobile (e.g. communications)/(P) mix
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