religion (kami)

Number of vocabulary: 160
Vocabulary test: reading | writing | meaning
kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ようかい Youkai, demon, monster
kanji くさなぎのつるぎ Kusanagi no Tsurugi, legendary Japanese sword
kanji しちふくじん Seven Deities of Good Luck
kanji しょうにん buddhistický svatý
kanji あめのぬほこ Ame no Nuhoko, heavenly jewelled spear
kanji あま (1)(col) nun, (2)(derog) bitch; (abbr) bhikkhuni (fully ordained Buddhist nun)
kanji おみくじ written oracle
kanji やまたのおろち Yamata no Orochi, Eight-Forked Serpent
kanji ししおどり Deer dance
kanji あめのうずめ Ame no Uzume, goddess of dawn and revelry
kanji ふくろくじゅ Fukurokuju, god of wisdom and longevity
kanji あしはらのなかつくに Ashihara no Nakatsukuni, world between heaven and hell
kanji しにがみ Shinigami, death god
kanji つくよみのみこと Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, god of the moon
kanji おおぞら nebesa
kanji かみうみ birth of the kami
kanji ばけものまつり moster festival
kanji いざなぎ Izanagi, god of creation and life
kanji こじ starý chrám, starodávný chrám
kanji やまでら horský chrám
kanji いざなぎ Izanagi, god of creation and life
kanji おもいかね Omoikane, deity of wisdom and intelligence
kanji ぎしき ceremony, rite, ritual, service
kanji しゅうきょう religion
kanji じゅもん spell, charm, incantation, magic word