ward off, defend, protect, resist
bou, fuse.gu, ata, u, hou
Main radical: 阜 (170) Radicals:
Strokes: 7 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 19273
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
堤防 teibou bank, weirsuru
防弾チョッキ boudančokki bulletproof vestmix
防災 bousai disaster preventiontenki
消防車 šoubouša fire engineryokou
消防士 šoubouši firefightershigoto
防衛省 boueišou Ministry of Defense (formerly Japan Defense Agency)mix
予防 jobou prevention, precaution, protection againstjlpt3, suru
防ぐ fusegu to defend (against), to protect, to preventgodan, verb, vtrans
防水 bousui waterproofing, making watertightsuru