chase, drive away, follow, pursue, meanwhile
cui, o.u, oi
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals:
Strokes: 9 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 17481
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
追求 cuikjuu (1)pursuing (goal), pursuit, seeking, search, (vs) (2)to pursue (e.g. goal), to seek mix
追う ou (1)to chase, to run after, to pursue, (2)to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend), (3)to drive out, to oust, to expel, (4)to drive (i.e. a herd), (5)(in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.) godan, verb, vtrans
追加 cuika addition, supplement, append (e.g. to a file), appendixsuru
追贈 cuizou conferring court rank posthumouslysuru
追儺祭 cuinasai Festival to drive away evil spiritkami
追随 cuizui followsuru
追伸 cuišin postscriptmix
追跡 cuiseki pursuit, tracking (e.g. in computer graphics), keeping records on, tracingsuru
追い掛ける oikakeru to chase, to run after, to pursueichidan, verb, vtrans
追い払う oiharau to drive away; to drive awaygodan, verb, vtrans
追い出す oidasu to expel, to drive outgodan, verb, vtrans
追い抜く oinuku to pass (a car), to outdistance, to outsail, to outstripgodan, verb, vtrans
兎は、亀を追い抜いて、どんどん走っていきました。 usagi ha,kame wo oinuite,dondon hašitteikimašita. Zajíc předběhl želvu a běžel pořád dál.usagitokame
亀は、その間にうさぎを追い抜いてしまいました。 kame ha,sono aida ni usagi wo oinuitešimaimašita. Želva přitom zajíce předběhla.usagitokame
兎がどんなに急いでも、亀には追い付けませんでした。 usagi ga donna ni isoide mo,kame ni ha oicukemasendešita. Ať zajíc pospíchal sebevíc, nemohl želvu předehnat.usagitokame
急いでも、追い付けません。 isoide mo,oicukemasen. I když budeme pospíchat, nebudeme ho moct předstihnout.mix