renowned, publish, write, remarkable, phenomenal, put on, don, wear, arrival, finish (race), counter for suits of clothing, literary work
チョ, チャク, あらわ.す, いちじる.しい
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Strokes: 11 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 17272
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
著者 ちょしゃ author (usu. of a particular book, etc.), writermix
著しい いちじるしい remarkable, considerableadj
顕著 けんちょ remarkable, striking, obviousmix
著作 ちょさく writing, booksuru
著述 ちょじゅつ writing, literary worksuru