show, indicate, point out, express, display
ji, shi,
Main radical: 示 (113) Radicals:
Strokes: 5 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 15400
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
展示会 tenjikai exhibitionmix
展示 tenji exhibition, displaysuru
表示 hyouji indication, expression, display, presentation, representation, manifestationsuru
指示 shiji indication, instruction, designation, directionssuru
掲示 keiji notice, bulletin, post, posting, placardsuru
示唆 shisa suggestion, hint, implicationsuru
示す shimesu to denote, to show, to point out, to indicate, to exemplifygodan, verb, vtrans
学生の作品をロビーに展示する。 gakusei no sakuhin wo robi- ni tenji suru. Studentská díla se vystavují v hale.mix