branch, support, sustain
シ, ささ.える, つか.える, か.う, しんよう, じゅうまた
Main radical: 支 (65) Radicals:
Strokes: 4 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 15193
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
支える ささえる (1)to support, to prop, to sustain, to underlay, to hold up, (2)to hold at bay, to stem, to check; to be blocked, to choke, to be obstructed, to feel a pressure on one's chest; to be blocked, to cho ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
支店 してん branch officeshigoto
支出 ししゅつ expenditure, expensessuru
支障 ししょう obstacle, hindrance, impediment, difficultymix
支払い しはらい paymentmix
支度 したく preparation, arrangementssuru
支柱 しちゅう prop, brace, fulcrummix
支配 しはい rule, control, directionsuru
支援 しえん support, backing, aid, assistancesuru
支持 しじ support, maintenancesuru
支度する したくする to preparejlpt4, suru, verb
支流 しりゅう tributary, branchmix
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