shift, move, change, drift, catch (cold, fire), pass into
イ, うつ.る, うつ.す
Main radical: 禾 (115) Radicals:
Strokes: 11 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 12380
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
移民 いみん (1)(sens) emigration, immigration, (2)emigrant, immigrant mix
移動 いどう (1)removal/migration/movement/ (2)mobile (e.g. communications)/(P) mix
移す うつす (1)to change, to swap, to substitute, to transfer, (2)to change the object of one's interest or focus, (3)to spend or take time, (4)to infect, (5)to permeate something with the smell or colour of godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
平衡移動の法則 へいこういどうのほうそく (obsc) law of equilibrium (Le Chatelier's principle)mix
移籍 いせき changing household registry, transfer (e.g. of one's name in the register)suru
移動曲線 いどうきょくせん evolving curvemath
毛髪移植 もうはついしょく hair transplantbyouki
移住 いじゅう migration/immigrationleda1, suru
臓器移植 ぞうきいしょく organ transplantbyouki
移る うつる to move house or transfergodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
移植 いしょく transplanting, porting, implantation, engraftingbyouki, suru
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