
Date and time of registration: 2012-08-29 11:35:54
Number of learnt characters: 2992
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Page: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 - 49 - 50 - 51 - 52 - 53 - 54 - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60
take pleasure in, rejoice
kin, gon, kon, yoroko.bu,, yasushi, yoshi, shi
Main radical: 欠 (76) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 13909
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
national or local god, peaceful, great
gi, ki, shi, kunitsukami, tada, masani
Main radical: 示 (113) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 JIS: 13632
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
best regards, good
gi, yoro.shii, yoro.shiku, ki, taka, nobu, nori, yoshi
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals:
Z variant: 冝 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13625
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
宜しい yoroshii (uk) (hon) good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, canadj
祢宜 negi senior priest (of a Shinto shrine)mix
ki, sue, toshi
Main radical: 子 (39) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13608
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
冬季 touki (season of) wintermix
四季 shiki four seasonstenki
秋季皇霊祭 shuukikoureisai imperial ceremony of ancestor worship formerly held on the autumnal equinoxmix
春季皇霊祭 shunkikoureisai imperial ceremony of ancestor worship formerly held on the vernal equinoxmix
季節 kisetsu seasonjlpt4
季節労働 kisetsuroudou seasonal labor, seasonal labourmix
夏季 kaki summer season; summer seasonmix
pray, wish
ki,, nori, rei
Main radical: 示 (113) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13607
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
祈願 kigan prayersuru
祈る inoru to praygodan, jlpt3, jlpt4, kami, verb, vtrans
祈り求める inorimotomeru to pray forichidan, verb
手を合わせて祈りました。 te wo awasete inorimashita. Sepnul jsem ruce a modlil jsem se.mix
strange, strangeness, curiosity
ki, ku.shiki, aya.shii, kushi, mezura.shii
Main radical: 大 (37) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13425
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
奇関数 kikansuu (math) odd function, function whose graph has symmetry about the originmath
怪奇 kaiki bizarre, strange, wonderful, weird, outrageousmix
好奇心猫を殺す koukishinnekowokorosu curiosity killed the catgodan, verb
好奇心 koukishin curiosity, inquisitivenessmix
知的好奇心 chitekikoukishin intellectual curiosity, out of curiosity, inquisitivenessmix
奇跡 kiseki miracle, wonder, marvelmix
奇数 kisuu odd numbermath
奇妙 kimyou strange, queer, curiousmix
rock, boulder, cliff
gan, iwa
Main radical: 山 (46) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 13412
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
天岩戸 amanoiwato Ama no Iwato, cave of the sun goddesskami
岩塩 iwashio; gan'en halite, rock salt; halite, rock saltmix
岩燕 iwatsubame house martindoubutsu
岩手県 iwateken Iwate prefecture (Touhoku area)namae
溶岩 yougan lava/(P)leda1
石灰岩 sekkaigan limestonekagaku, shizen
iwa rock (boulder)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩石 ganseki rock (substance)kagaku, leda1, shizen
岩場 iwaba rocky area/rockface/rock wallleda1
岩山 iwayama rocky mountainleda1, shizen
岩陰 iwakage shade of a rockleda1
凝灰岩 gyoukaigan tuffmix
火山岩 kazangan volcanic rockleda1
play, take pleasure in, trifle with, make sport of
gan, mochiaso.bu, moteaso.bu
Main radical: 玉 (96) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13409
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
玩具 omocha; gangu (uk) toy; (uk) toymix
玩具屋 omochaya toy shopmise
gan, kishi, keshi
Main radical: 山 (46) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 3 JIS: 13407
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
右岸 ugan pravý břehleda1, shizen
kishi bank, coast, shoremix
海岸線 kaigansen coastlineshizen
左岸 sagan left bankleda1, shizen
川岸 kawagishi river bankleda1, shizen
海岸 kaigan sea shorejlpt4, leda1, shizen
波で気が海岸に打ち寄せられた。 nami de kiga kaigan ni uchiyoserareta. Dřevo bylo vlnami vyplaveno na pobřeží.mix
NARUTOの作者は岸本斉史です。 naruto no sakusha ha kishimoto masashi desu. Autorem Naruta je Kišimoto Masaši.mix
bureaucrat, the government
Main radical: 宀 (40) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13361
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
官僚 kanryou bureaucrat, bureaucracymix
外交官 gaikoukan diplomatseiji
官公庁 kankouchou government administration officemix
面接官 mensetsukan interviewer (for job, school, etc. interviews)mix
裁判官 saibankan judgeshigoto
器官 kikan organ (of body), instrumentmix
警官 keikan policemanjlpt4, shigoto
警察官 keisatsukan policemen, policeman, police officermix
指導教官 shidoukyoukan supervisormath
strong, just, righteous, peace-loving
kan, tsuyo.i, akira, tadashi
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 13350
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
wooden pestle
sho, so, kine, ki
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 JIS: 13647
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
瓊瓊杵尊 niniginomikoto Ninigi no Mikoto, grandson of Amaterasukami
cry, weep, moan
kyuu, na.ku
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13667
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
泣く naku cryjlpt4
泣き声 nakigoe cry, crying voicemix
泣き虫 nakimushi crybaby/blubbererleda1
号泣 goukyuu crying aloud, lamentation, wailingsuru
泣き止む nakiyamu to stop crying, to cry oneself outgodan, verb
reside, to be, exist, live with
kyo, ko,, -i,, oki, gu, sue
Main radical: 尸 (44) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 13679
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
居所 idoko; idokoro; kyosho (1)whereabouts, address; (2)whereabouts, address; (3)whereabouts, address, (4)place of temporary residence mix
居酒屋 izakaya bar, pub, tavernmise
居心地 igokochi comfortmix
居眠り inemuri dozing, nodding offsuru
住居 juukyo dwelling/house/residence/addressleda1, suru
居合道 iaidou iaido (art of drawing the Japanese sword)sport
居間 ima living roomleda1, uchi
芝居 shibai play, dramamix
居住 kyojuu residencesuru
居る iru to be (animate)ichidan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
居場所 ibasho whereabouts, place, locationmix
おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんは今私の家族と同居しています。 ojiichan to obaachan ha ima watashi no kazoku to doukyo shiteimasu. Dědeček a babička teď žijou s mou rodinou.mix
high, far
gyou, taka.i, takashi, taka, nori, aki
Main radical: 土 (32) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 13894
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
condition, situation
kyou, mashi.te, iwa.n'ya, omomuki
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13879
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
状況 joukyou state of affairs (around you), situation, circumstancesmix
cowardice, wince, flinch, hesitate, waver
kyou, kou,,, ojiru, obi.eru, oso.reru
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 JIS: 13873
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
怯える obieru to be frightenedemo, ichidan, verb, vintrans
co-, cooperation
Main radical: 十 (24) Radicals:
Simplified: 协 non japanese kanji
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 13864
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
協調 kyouchou (1)cooperation, conciliation, harmony, (2)firm (market) tone suru
農協 noukyou agricultural cooperativemix
協定 kyoutei arrangement, pact, agreementsuru
協会 kyoukai association, society, organization, organisationmix
協奏曲 kyousoukyoku concertoongaku
協力 kyouryoku cooperationjlpt3, leda1
協働 kyoudou cooperationsuru
日本放送協会 nipponhousoukyoukai Japan national broadcasting company, NHK; Japan national broadcasting company, NHKmix
tomboy, chivalry
kyou, kyan, otokodate
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Traditional: 俠 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 JIS: 13858
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
submit, offer, present, serve (meal), accompany
kyou, ku, kuu, gu, sona.eru, tomo, -domo
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 13857
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
子供のころの思い出 kodomo no koro no omoide vzpomínka na dětstvímix
お供 otomo attendant, companionsuru
子供 kodomo child, childrenhito, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
子供の日 kodomonohi Children's Day (national holiday; May 5th)namae, toki
自供 jikyou confessionsuru
提供 teikyou offer, tender, program sponsoring, programme sponsoring, furnishing, provisioning, supplysuru
供物 kumotsu offering; offeringmix
供給 kyoukyuu supply, provisionsuru
供える sonaeru to offer, to sacrifice, to dedicateichidan, verb, vtrans
子供は成績がいいから、頭が良いはずです。 kodomo ha seiseki ga ii kara,atamagaii hazu desu. Dítě má dobré známky, takže bude nejspíš chytré.mix
子供は頭が良いから大学院に行くはずです。 kodomo ha atamagaii kara daigakuin ni iku hazu desu. Dítě je chytré, proto půjde na vysokou školu.gakkou
子供はおもちゃを買いたがっている。 kodomo ha omocha wo kaita gatteiru. Děcko (dává najevo, že) chce koupit hračku.mix
子供は靴の紐を結ぶことが出来ません。 kodomo ha kutsu no himo wo musubu koto ga dekimasen. Dítě si nedokáže zavázat tkaničky u bot.mix
子供は庭で服を汚した。 kodomo ha niwa de fuku wo yogoshita. Dítě si zašpinilo oblečení na zahradě.fuku
私は子供に牛乳を飲ませます。 watashi ha kodomo ni gyuunyuu wo nomasemasu. Nechávám děti pít mléko.mix
子供の成長を喜ぶ。 kodomo no seichou wo yorokobu. Mít radost, že děti vyrůstají.mix
子供を家にいさせます。 kodomo wo uchi ni isasemasu. Přinutit dítě zůstat doma.mix
子供にいい学歴をつけさせたいと思う親が多い。 kodomo ni ii gakureki wo tsukesasetai to omou oya ga ooi. Rodičů, kteří chtějí svým dětem umožnit dobré vzdělání, je hodně.mix
小さい子供は何にでも興味を持つ。 chiisa i kodomo ha nani ni demo kyoumi wo motsu. Malé děti mají zájem o cokoliv.mix
子供は怖がって母親の手を強く握った。 kodomo ha kowagatte hahaoya no te wo tsuyoku nigitta. Dítě mělo strach a pevně stisklo matčinu ruku.mix
子供のお尻を叩きました。 kodomo no oshiri wo tatakimashita. Naplácal jsem dítěti na zadek.mix
子供を両手でしっかりと抱く。 kodomo wo ryoute de shikkari to daku. Držet dítě pevně oběma rukama.mix
彼女は子供の時に両親を亡くした kanojohakodomonotokiniryoushinwonakushita anglicky
capital, 10**16
kyou, kei, kin, miyako, taka
Main radical: 亠 (8) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 13694
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
平安京 heiankyou Heiankjó (starý název Kjóta)leda1, namae
一京 ichikyou deset trilionůmix
百京 hyakukyou kvadrilionmix
miyako capital citymix
京都府 kyoutofu Kyoto (metropolitan area)namae
京都 kyouto Kyoto/(P)leda1, namae
上京 joukyou proceeding to the capital (Tokyo)suru
東京 toukyou Tokyoleda1, namae
東京都 toukyouto Tokyo Metropolitan areanamae
趣味は犬を飼うことですが、東京ではちょっと難しいです。 shumi ha inu wo kau koto desuga,toukyou de ha chotto muzukashii desu. Jejím koníčkem je chování psa, ale v Tokiu je to těžké.byousha
山下さんは東京の出身です。 yamashita san ha toukyou no shusshin desu. Pan Jamašita pochází s Tokia.mix
先週、京都を観光して回った。 senshuu,kyouto wo kankou shite mawatta. Minulý týden jsem se v Kjótu motal po památkách.mix
その夏私は,京都に赴いた sononatsuwatashiha,kyoutoniomomuita anglickymix
receive, undergo, answer (phone), take, get, catch
kyou, kou, u.keru, taka, takashi, tooru, michi
Main radical: 亠 (8) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13693
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
享年 kyounen one's age at deathmix
foothold, based on, follow, therefore
kyo, ko,
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13682
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
証拠 shouko evidence, proofmix
repel, refuse, reject, decline
kyo, go,
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13681
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
拒絶 kyozetsu refusal, rejectionsuru
拒む kobamu to refuse, to reject, to declinegodan, verb, vtrans
miscanthus reed
bou, myou, kaya, chigaya, chi, ji
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Z variant: 泖 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 13181
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
茅蜩 higurashi (uk) evening cicada (Tanna japonensis)mix
point, peak, mountain
gaku, take, oka, taka, taken
Main radical: 山 (46) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13145
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
value, price
ka, ke, atai
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals: 西
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 12865
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
安価 anka nízká cenaleda1
atai (1)price, cost, (2)value, worth, merit, (3)(comp) variable (computer programming, programing), (4)(math) value, count, number, (vs) (5)to have value, to have merit mix
評価 hyouka (1)valuation, estimation, assessment, evaluation, (vs) (2)to value, to assess, to estimate value, (3)to appreciate, to value highly, to acknowledge the value (of something) mix
高価な koukana expensiveadj
価格 kakaku price, value, costmix
物価 bukka prices of commodities, prices (in general), cost-of-livingjlpt3
地価 chika the price of landmix
価値 kachi value, worth, meritmix
価値観 kachikan valuesmix
チェコに比べて日本は物価が高い chekonikurabetenihonhabukkagatakai anglicky
hill, mount, knoll
kou, oka
Main radical: 山 (46) Radicals:
Simplified: 冈 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12844
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
岡村富夫 okamura tomio Okamura Tomionamae
岡崎 okazaki Okazakinamae
福岡 fukuoka Fukuoka (city, prefecture)namae
福岡県 fukuokaken Fukuoka prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
oka hill, height, knoll, rising groundshizen
岡山県 okayamaken Okayama prefecture (Chuugoku area)namae
静岡 shizuoka Shizuoka (city)namae
静岡県 shizuokaken Shizuoka prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
福岡から広島へ引っ越しした。 fukuoka kara hiroshima he hikkoshi shita. Přestěhoval jsem se z Fukuoky do Hirošimy.mix
assault, hit, beat, thrash
Main radical: 殳 (79) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12837
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
殴る naguru to strike, to hitgodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
教師は生徒を殴って、問題になっている。 kyoushi ha seito wo nagutte,mondai ni natteiru. Učitel udeřil žáka a je z toho problém.mix
彼は僕の顔をひどく殴った。 kare ha boku no kao wo hidoku nagutta. Praštil mě ošklivě do obličeje.mix
不良たちは彼を殴り倒して財布を奪った。 furyou tachiha kare wo naguri taoshite saifu wo ubatta. Delikventi ho sejmuli pěstí a ukradli peněženku.mix
彼は怒ると殴ったり蹴ったりする。 kare ha okoru to naguttari kettari suru. Když se naštve, dává rány pěstí a kope.mix
ou, uta.u, ha.ku, oo, hiro
Main radical: 欠 (76) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12836
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
東欧 touou Eastern Europemix
欧州 oushuu Europemix
欧米 oubei Europe and America, the Westmix
欧文 oubun European language, foreign textgakkou
欧風 oufuu European style, Occidentalmix
欧州連合 oushuurengou European Union, EUmix
北欧 hokuou Northern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinaviamix
西欧 seiou Western Europemix
flourishing, successful, beautiful, vigorous
ou, kyou, gou,, utsukushi.i, sakan
Main radical: 日 (72) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12834
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
push, stop, check, subdue, attach, seize, weight, shove, press, seal, do in spite of
ou,, o.shi-, o.t-, o.saeru, osa.eru, oshi, osu, oya
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12833
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
押し出す oshidasu (1)to crowd out, to push out, to squeeze out, (2)to start together, to set out en masse, (3)to highlight, to draw attention to godan, verb, vtrans
押さえる osaeru (1)to pin something down, to hold something down, to hold something back, to stop, to restrain, to curb, (2)to seize, to grasp, to arrest, (3)to gain control of something, to govern, to keep down ( ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
押印 ouin affixing one's sealsuru
押し入れ oshiire closetjlpt4, uchi
押入れ oshiire closetuchi
押韻 ouin rhymingsuru
押す osu to push, to stamp somethinggodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
ボタンを押すと、お金が出ます。 botan wo osu to,okane ga demasu. Když stiskneš tlačítko, vylezou peníze.mix
あれを押すと、どうなりますか? are wo osu to,dou narimasuka? Když támhleto zmáčneš, co se stane?mix
あの人はお腹を押さえて座っている。腹痛だそうだ。 ano hito ha onaka wo osaete suwatteiru. fukutsuu da sou da. Ten člověk má ruce položené na břiše a sedí. Říká, že ho bolí břicho.mix
後ろの人のためにドアを押さえて待った。 ushiro no hito no tame ni doa wo osaete matta. Počkal jsem na člověka vzadu a podržel mu dveře.mix
書類に判を押す。 shorui ni han wo osu. Otisknout razítko na dokument.mix
journey, chase away, let go, going, travel
ou, i.ku, inishie,, yu.ku, michi
Main radical: 彳 (60) Radicals:
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 12669
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
往復 oufuku (col) round trip, coming and going, return ticketryokou
往々にして ouounishite sometimes, occasionally, now and then, from time to timemix
往復券 oufukuken two way ticketryokou
at, in, on, as for
o, yo, oi.te, o.keru, aa, yori
Main radical: 方 (70) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 12663
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
garden, farm, park
en, on, sono, u.tsu, aya
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Z variant: 菀 non japanese kanji
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 12657
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
inflammation, flame, blaze
en, honoo, nuku
Main radical: 火 (86) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12650
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
中耳炎 chuujien zánět středního uchabyouki, leda1
honoo -itis (indicating an inflammatory disease); flame, blaze; flame, blazemix
炎光 enkou flamemix
炎症 enshou inflammation, irritationbyouki
鼻炎 bien nasal inflammationmix
肺炎 haien pneumoniabyouki
excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled
ka, kei, yoshi
Main radical: 人 (9) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12866
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed
ka, ha.tasu,, -ha.tasu, ha.teru, -ha.teru, ha.te, mi
Main radical: 木 (75) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 12876
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
果物の皮 kudamono no kawa slupka ovocemix
果たして hatashite (1)as was expected, just as one thought, sure enough, as a result, (2)really? (in questions), ever? mix
果報 kahou (1)good fortune, luck, happiness, (2)(Buddh) vipaka (retribution) mix
果たす hatasu (1)to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to fulfill, to fulfil, to realize, to execute, to perform, to do, (suf,v5s) (2)to do ... completely, to do ... entirely godan, verb, vtrans
因果 inga cause and effect, karma, fatemix
ドップラー効果 doppura-kouka Doppler effectmix
効果 kouka effect, effectiveness, efficacy, resultjlpt3
効果的 koukateki effective, successfulmix
果物 kudamono fruitjlpt5, ryouri
果物屋 kudamonoya fruit store, fruit dealer, fruit seller, fruiterer, fruiteressmise
果実 kajitsu fruit, nut, berrymix
温室効果 onshitsukouka greenhouse effectmix
トケイソウの果実 tokuisounokajitsu passion fruitshokubutsu
圧電効果 atsudenkouka piezoelectric effectmix
結果 kekka resultsjlpt3, math
成果 seika results, fruitsmix
果て hate the end, the extremity, the limit, the limits, the resultmix
バナナ以外果物が好きです。 banana igai kudamono ga suki desu. Mám rád ovoce kromě banánů.ryouri
ka, kawa, kat, ko, kou
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 5 JIS: 12879
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
銀河 ginga galaxie, Mléčná dráhamix
河童 kappa (1)kappa (mythical water-dwelling creatures) kami
運河 unga canal, waterwaymix
氷河 hyouga glaciershizen, tenki
河馬 kaba hippopotamusdoubutsu
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
河原 kawara river bedshizen
study, learning, science
gaku, mana.bu, taka, nori
Main radical: 子 (39) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 1 JIS: 13144
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
二学期 nigakki druhý semestrgakkou, leda1, toki
台数学 daisuugaku algebraleda1, math
幾何学 kikagaku geometrieleda1, math
学ぶ manabu učit segakkou, godan, leda1, verb
学習 gakushuu studium, učení segakkou, leda1
学級 gakkyuu třída, ročníkgakkou, leda1
国文学 kokubungaku národní literaturaleda1
公開留学生 koukairyuugakusei výměnný zahraniční studentgakkou
チェコ技術大学 cheko gijutsu daigaku České Vysoké Učení Technickénamae
微積分学 bisekibungaku matematická analýzamath
学生活 gakuseikatsu život na výšcegakkou
学歴をつける。 gakureki wotsukeru. Dát vzdělání.mix
非科学的な hikagakuteki na nevědeckýmix
学食 gakushoku (abbr) school cafeteriagakkou
言語学者 gengogakusha (ling) linguistbunpou
音韻学 on'ingaku (ling) phonetics, phonologybunpou
応用数学 ouyousuugaku (math) applied mathematicsmath
学位 gakui (university) degreemix
休学 kyuugaku absence from schoolgakkou
学歴 gakureki academic backgroundjlpt3
人類学 jinruigaku anthropologygakkou
考古学 koukogaku archaeology, archeologymix
考古学者 koukogakusha archeologist, archaeologistshigoto
学芸 gakugei arts and sciences, liberal artsmix
天文学 tenmongaku astronomymix
化学方程式 kagakuhouteishiki chemical equationkagaku, math
化学 kagaku chemistrygakkou, kagaku, leda1
学部 gakubu department (of university)jlpt4
理学部 rigakubu department of sciencegakkou
微分学 bibungaku differential calculusmath
蘭学 rangaku Dutch studies, studies of Western knowledgemix
経済学 keizaigaku economicsmix
小学校 shougakkou elementary schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
小学生 shougakusei elementary school studentgakkou, leda1
工学 kougaku engineeringmix
入学 nyuugaku enter a schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
進学 shingaku entering a higher-level school, esp. going on to universityjlpt3, suru
入学試験 nyuugakushiken entrance examinationgakkou
民族学 minzokugaku ethnologymix
語源学 gogengaku etymologymix
見学 kengaku field tripleda1, mix
流体力学 ryuutairikigaku fluid mechanicsmix
民俗学 minzokugaku folkloristics (formal study of folklore)mix
地理学 chirigaku geographygakkou
学年 gakunen grade (academic year)gakkou, leda1
大学院生 daigakuinsei graduate studentmix
高学歴 kougakureki high academic achievement, advanced academic training, higher educationmix
高等学校 koutougakkou high schoolgakkou, jlpt4
積分学 sekibungaku integral calculusmath
中学校 chuugakkou junior high schoolgakkou, jlpt4, leda1
中学生 chuugakusei junior high school studentgakkou
語学 gogaku language studybunpou, gakkou
生涯学習 shougaigakushuu lifelong learningmix
言語学 gengogaku lingvisticsbunpou, leda1
文学作品 bungakusakuhin literary workmix
文学 bungaku literaturegakkou, jlpt3, jlpt4
向学心 kougakushin love of learningleda1
数学モデル suugakumoderu mathematical modelmath
数学 suugaku mathematicsgakkou, jlpt4, math
医学部 igakubu medical facultymix
医学 igaku medical sciencejlpt4
気象学 kishougaku meteorologytenki
軍事学校 gunjigakkou military schoolsensou
文部科学相 monbukagakushou Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technologymix
文部科学省 monbukagakushou Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXTmix
神話学 shinwagaku mythologymix
光学 kougaku opticsmix
口承文学 koushoubungaku oral literature, oral traditionmix
留学生 ryuugakusei overseas studentjlpt5
哲学者 tetsugakusha philosophermix
哲学 tetsugaku philosophymix
物理学者 butsurigakusha physicistshigoto
実学 jitsugaku practical sciencemix
私学 shigaku private (non-governmental) school (college, university)mix
私立大学 shiritsudaigaku private universitygakkou
純粋数学 junsuisuugaku pure mathematicsmath
学習者 gakushuusha scholar, studentgakkou
学者 gakusha scholar/(P)adj, leda1
奨学金 shougakukin scholarshipgakkou
学力 gakuryoku scholarship, knowledge, literary abilitymix
学問 gakumon scholarship/study/learning/(P)leda1, suru
学校 gakkou schoolgakkou, jlpt5, leda1
通学 tsuugaku school commutinggakkou, ryokou
入学式 nyuugakushiki school entrance ceremonymix
学校新聞 gakkoushinbun school papermix
学生服 gakuseifuku school uniformfuku, gakkou
科学 kagaku sciencejlpt4
学術 gakujutsu science, learning, scholarshipmix
学会 gakkai scientific society/academic meeting/academic conference/(P)gakkou
科学者 kagakusha scientistshigoto
独学 dokugaku self-education, self-instruction, self-studysuru
学期 gakki semestergakkou
州立大学 shuuritsudaigaku state-run college, state universitymix
学生 gakusei studentgakkou, jlpt5, leda1, shigoto
学生証 gakuseishou student IDgakkou
史学 shigaku study of historygakkou
学科 gakka study subject, course of studygakkou
学説 gakusetsu theorymix
入学する nyuugakusuru to enter school or universityjlpt4, suru, verb
学費 gakuhi tuition, school expensesmix
broaden, extend, expand, enlarge
kaku, kou, hiro.garu, hiro.geru, hiro.meru
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals: 广
Z variant:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 13128
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
拡声器 kakuseiki loudspeakerdenki
拡散 kakusan scattering, diffusion, spread (e.g. signal across the spectrum)suru
censure, criminal investigation
Main radical: 力 (19) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 13103
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
kidnap, falsify
Main radical: 手 (64) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12925
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
suspicious, mystery, apparition
kai, ke, aya.shii, aya.shimu
Main radical: 心 (61) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12920
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
怪しい ayashii (1)suspicious/dubious/doubtful/dodgy/suspicious (referring to a potential amorous relation)/dangerous (e.g. financial situation)/ominous (e.g. weather)/strange/shady/fishy/ (2)charming/bewitching/mys adj
怪奇 kaiki bizarre, strange, wonderful, weird, outrageousmix
怪談 kaidan ghost storymix
怪我 kega injurybyouki, jlpt3
怪獣 kaijuu monsterkami
大怪我 ookega serious injurymix
怪我人 keganin wounded or injured personbyouki
妖怪 youkai Youkai, demon, monsterkami
転んで、足に怪我した。 koronde,ashi ni kega shita. Upadl jsem a zranil jsem si nohu.mix
怪我をする。 kega wosuru. Udělat si zranění. (Zranit se.)mix
頭の怪我が治った。 atama no kega ga naotta. Zranění hlavy se vyléčilo.mix
病院で足の怪我を治した。 byouin de ashi no kega wo naoshita. V nemocnici mi vyléčili zranění nohy.mix
bud, sprout, spear, germ
ga, me, ji, megu
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 4 JIS: 12906
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
萌芽 houga germination, germ, sprout, bud, signsuru
brush-stroke, picture
ga, kaku, e, kai, ega.ku, kaku.suru,, hakarigoto,
Main radical: 田 (102) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 2 JIS: 12904
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
区画 kukaku dělení, rozděleníleda1
動画 douga (1)animation, motion picture, moving image, video, (2)in-betweening (in anime) suru
画く kaku (1)to draw, to paint, to sketch, (2)to depict, to describe; (3)to draw, to paint, to sketch godan, verb, vtrans
kaku (n,n-suf) picture, drawing, painting, sketch; stroke (of a kanji, etc.); picture, drawing, painting, sketchcounter
印画紙 ingashi (photographic) printing papersuru
録画 rokuga (video) recordingjlpt3, suru
画商 gashou art dealershigoto
漫画 manga cartoonjlpt4
漫画家 mangaka comic artistshigoto
図画 zuga drawingadj, leda1
映画音楽 eigaongaku film musicongaku
画期的 kakkiteki ground-breaking, epoch-makingmix
画像処理 gazoushori image processingmix
画像 gazou image, picture, portraitmix
日本画 nihonga Japanese paintingmix
計画通り keikakudoori just as plannedmix
映画館 eigakan movie theatre (theater), cinemajlpt5, mise
映画 eiga movie, film
音楽映画 ongakueiga musical (film)ongaku
画家 gaka paintershigoto
計画 keikaku planjlpt3, jlpt4
肖像画 shouzouga portraitmix
自画自賛 jigajisan singing one's own praises, praising one's own waressuru
画数 kakusuu stroke countbunpou
画面 gamen terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photojlpt3
計画する keikakusuru to planjlpt4, suru, verb
昨日見た映画が長かったです。 kinou mita eiga ga nagakatta desu. Film, který jsem včera viděl, byl dlouhý.mix
年の初めに一年の計画を立てる。 toshi no hajime ni ichinen no keikaku wo tateru. Na začátku roku vytvoříme roční plán.mix
来年の計画を立てました。 rainen no keikaku wo tatemashita. Sestavil jsem plán na příští rok.mix
夏休みには富士山に登ろうと計画している。 natsuyasumi ni ha fujisan ni noborou to keikaku shiteiru. Plánuji, že o letních prázdninách vylezeme na horu Fudži.mix
実験の失敗で、計画は中止になった。 jikken no shippai de,keikaku ha chuushi ni natta. Kvůli neúspěšnému pokusu plán v průběhu selhal.mix
計画が失敗しました。 keikaku ga shippai shimashita. Plán selhal.mix
映画の前半.は退屈だったが、後半.は面白かった。 eiga no zenhan .ha taikutsu datta ga,kouhan.ha omoshirokatta. První půlka filmu byla nudná, ale druhá byla zajímavá.mix
この映画は最高に面白い。 kono eiga ha saikou ni omoshiroi. Tento film je velmi zajímavý.mix
雨で遠足の計画が壊れた amedeensokunokeikakugakowareta anglicky
(used phonetically)
ka, ke
Main radical: 辵 (162) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 JIS: 12896
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 9 JIS: 12888
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
茄子 nasu aubergineryouri, shokubutsu
torment, scold, chastise
ka, iji.meru,, irada.tsu, karai, komakai
Main radical: 艸 (140) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 8 JIS: 12887
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
苛々 iraira (uk) getting nervous, irritationjlpt3, suru
苛める ijimeru (uk) to tease, to torment, to persecute, to chastiseichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
苛立 iradachi irritationemo
弱いもの苛めをするなんて最低だ。 yowai mono ijime wosuru nante saitei da. Šikanovat slabé je odporné.mix
そんなに苛めないでくれ sonnaniijimenaidekure anglicky
彼はよく苛められる karehayokuijimerareru anglicky
run alongside, follow along, run along, lie along 沿
en, so.u, -zo.i
Main radical: 水 (85) Radicals:
Strokes: 8 Jouyou: 6 JIS: 12648
Stroke order: picture (png) | animation (svg) | table (svg)
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