Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji かていほう (ling) subjunctive mood
kanji ゆるす (1)to permit/to allow/to approve/ (2)to exempt (from fine)/to excuse (from)/to pardon/to forgive/to release/to let off/ (3)to confide in/ (4)to give up/to yield/(P)
kanji かたがき title, degree, address (on letter), criminal record
kanji とまる to lodge at
kanji さいご last time
kanji へんせつ change of opinion
kanji あら (1)leftovers (after filleting a fish), (2)rice chaff, (3)flaw (esp. of a person), (pref) (4)rough, roughly, (5)crude, raw, natural, wild; (uk) almost, roughly, approximately
kanji ふるほんや antikvariát
kanji あずき azuki (druh fazolí)
kanji おんよみ chinese reading of the character
kanji さんせいいけん consenting opinion
kanji かいひ evasion, avoidance
kanji sail
kanji ぎょうせき achievement, performance, results, work, contribution
kanji やまだ さん が わたしたち に てづくり の ギョーザ を ごちそう して くれた。 Pan Jamada nás pohostil vlastnoručně udělanou gjóozou.
kanji かける (1)to be chipped/to be damaged/to be broken/ (2)to be lacking/to be missing/ (3)to be insufficient/to be short/to be deficient/to be negligent toward/ (4)(of the moon) to wane/to go into eclipse/(P)
kanji きく (1)to be effective, to show effect, (2)to do its work, to carry out its function well, (3)to be possible to use
kanji にゅうしゅ obtaining, coming to hand
kanji ふるて veterán
kanji ごりん the Olympics
kanji かぶつ (1)cargo, freight, (2)money or assets; (3)cargo, freight, (4)money or assets
kanji しりつ soukromý
kanji かれ が いく と いった と ぼく は おもいます。 Myslím, že řekl, že půjde.
kanji しゅんかん moment, second, instant
kanji エクス 2じゅう の いちじどうかんすう は 2 である。 Second derivative of x^2 is 2.