Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji でかける to depart, to go out (e.g. on an excursion or outing), to set out, to start
kanji おしょうがつ New year
kanji さき hrot, špička, budoucnost
kanji いっかげつ one month
kanji あまのがわ Milky Way
kanji かこう kráter
kanji りんりつ stand close together
kanji しょうがつ new year’s day
kanji あく to become vacant
kanji いっそく a pair of shoes
kanji がくりょく scholarship, knowledge, literary ability
kanji まるい round, circular, spherical
kanji くく násobilka
kanji きんメダル gold medal
kanji hand
kanji しいん (ling) consonant
kanji おうじ prince
kanji おおきい big, large, great
kanji どそくの obutý
kanji じょうげ nahoře a dole
kanji くさき plants/vegetation/(P)
kanji ざりがにかもく crayfish
kanji ついたち first day of month
kanji のぼる (1)to rise, to go up, to come up, to ascend, to be raised, (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors), to come in, to go in, (3)to enter (a school), to advance to the next grade, (4)to get out (of water), t
kanji すいでん rice field